We wish you a New Year filled with innovation, success, and endless possibilities.
Data Driver Manufacturing Excellence
Elevate decision-making by automated reports and dashboards tailored for today's discerning managers.
Provide manufacturing companies with systems for practical and valuable production data analysis.
Machines, employees, logistics, quality, maintenance, and energy equipment generate vast amounts of data. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Quality Management, Warehouse Management, Maintenance, and Energy Monitoring Systems gather terabytes of data on different servers and databases. However, there are occasions when additional data needs to be acquired from machines or other equipment and processes.
Need for Analysis
The proper analysis yields tangible business benefits. Managers experience a lack of robust, reliable, and fully automated dashboards and reports. They spend considerable time manually creating and constantly updating essential reports. A solution is required to automate this process and present data in a way that allows managers to quickly grasp analysis results and make informed decisions.
Solution: InDriver + Grafana
InAnalytics provides the InDriver software, designed to automate data processing from diverse sources. Our solution leverages Grafana to create insightful dashboards for effective data visualization.
Analytics - the top layer of industrial systems.
Why Choose InAnalytics for Your Analytics Solution?
Ad Hoc Dashboard - From Idea to Ready Data in Minutes
Managers often have spontaneous ideas for analysis, and sometimes these ideas arise just before a meeting. With our solution, turning these ideas into actionable insights is seamless.
When the need for a new ad hoc analysis arises, it's not a problem. With a fundamental understanding of JavaScript (JS) and SQL, you can effortlessly create or modify existing data algorithms. This allows you to quickly generate ready data for your dashboard.
Using Grafana, the process is as simple as clicking to add a new visualization. Your dashboard is ready, sometimes in just a few minutes. Empower yourself to transform impromptu thoughts into valuable data-driven decisions effortlessly.
Easy Customization: Change, Modify, Add New – No Problem.
Open solution
Building Dashboards and Reports demands a foundational grasp of SQL and JavaScript. When it comes to developing new analyses, you have the choice of engaging a data engineer from InAnalytics or utilizing your in-house team or third-party resources.
Practical, valuable analyses appreciated by managers
With our clients, we create analytical systems that, in real-time, transparently present accurately defined values and indicators.In other words, dashboards with specific data instead of a pile of meaningless charts and numbers.
Past data, real-time data, and predicted data
InDriver processes real-time data, stores results in the database for past data analytics, and calculates trend forecasts, providing managers with predicted values and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Millions of users use these dashboards
Utilizing Grafana for creating, viewing, and hosting dashboards ensures ease of use, stability, support, and updates.
The ability to install the system on a local network or in the cloud
InDriver, Grafana, and SQL servers can be easily installed on client computers or servers offered in the cloud, such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, AWS, and others.
Easy operation
A basic knowledge of SQL and JavaScript may be useful for clients to create their analyses. More complex algorithms and visualizations can be entrusted to specialists from InAnalytics.
No more time-consuming and costly implementation and maintenance of IT systems. The use of InDriver and Grafana allows for a reduction in deployment costs by up to 80% and provides unparalleled flexibility by enabling data analysts to make changes and create their own dashboards and data processing algorithms.
Empower your data-driven manufacturing processes with InDriver—fostering efficiency, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness.
Analytics Ideas
List of essential KPIs for Industry
Manufacturing Performance
Production Volume (PV)
Measures the total number of units manufactured in a given timeframe, essential for benchmarking manufacturing efficiency.
per time interval, shift, product SKU, machine, customer, batch of material, or component.
Production Downtime (PD)
Tracks the total time a factory's production lines are inactive, including planned and unplanned downtime.
Production Costs (PC)
Encompasses all manufacturing-related expenses, including direct costs (raw materials, labor) and indirect costs (rent, overhead).
PC = DirectLaborCost + DirectMaterialCost + OverheadCostsPC
PerUnitCost = PC / PV
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
Represents the percentage of productive time in manufacturing high-quality products.
OEE = Availability × Performance × Quality
Availability = ActualProductionTime / ScheduledTimeToOperate
Performance = ActualProductionCapacity / FullProductionCapacity
Quality = QualityUnits / AllUnitsProduced
Overall Operations Effectiveness (OOE)
Similar to OEE, includes maintenance time in the availability calculation.
OOE = Availability × Performance × Quality
Availability = ActualProduction / ScheduledTimeToOperate including maintenance
Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP)
Gauges utilization relative to continuous 24/7 operation for 365 days, producing quality products.
TEEP = Availability × Performance × Quality
Availability = ActualProductionTime / TotalTimeFor24x7OperationAvailability
Capacity Utilization (CU)
Measures the proportion of a plant's total available capacity in use.
CU = TotalCapacityUsed / TotalAvailableCapacity
Defect Density (DD)
Tracks defective products as a percentage of the total volume, impacting profitability and customer satisfaction.
DD = NumberOfDefectiveUnits / TotalUnitsProduced
On-Time Delivery (OTD)
Quantifies the percentage of products delivered on time to customers.
OTD = OnTimeUnitsDelivered / TotalDeliveredUnits
First Time Right (FTR)
Measures the percentage of products completed correctly on the first attempt.
FTR = TotalGoodUnits / TotalUnitsInProgress
Inventory Turns (IT)
Examines stock usage and replacement rate during a specific period.
IT = CostOfGoodsSold(COGS) / AverageInventory
Asset Turnover (AT)
Measures the use of assets to drive revenue.
AT = NetSalesAverage / TotalAssetValue
Return on Assets (ROA)
Indicates company profitability relative to available assets.
ROA=NetIncome / AverageTotalAssetValue
Maintenance Costs (MC)
Includes all expenses for equipment maintenance and repair.
MC = TotalMaintenanceCosts / TotalProductsProduced
Revenue per Employee (RPE)
Measures average revenue generated per employee.
RPE = TotalRevenue / AverageEmployees
Profit per Employee (PPE)
Measures average profit generated per employee.
PPE=NetIncome / AverageEmployees
Production Attainment (PA)
Measures manufacturing's ability to meet its target production level. The higher the score, the better the performance.
PA = ActualProduction / ScheduledProduction
Average Changeover Time (ACT)
Represents how long it takes to transition a production line from one product to another product.
AverageChangeoverTime = TotalTimetoChangeoverProductionLines / NumberofChangeovers
Manufacturing Efficiency
Throughput (TP)
Measures the volume of product made over a specified time frame, useful for analyzing and comparing equipment, production lines, or plants.
TP = TotalGoodUnits / SpecifiedTimeFrameTP
Work in Process (WIP)
Represents goods in mid-production or waiting to be completed and sold, providing insights into material usage efficiency and the value of partially finished goods.
WIP = (BeginningWIP + ManufacturingCosts) − CostOfGoodsManufactured
Schedule Attainment (SA)
Compares manufactured goods to planned output.
SA = ActualProductionOutput/TargetProductionOutput
Scrap Material Value (SMV)
Represents excess material left over after product completion, often sold as is.
SMV = AmountEarnedOnDisposingScrapMaterial − DisposalCostSMV
On Standard Operating Efficiency (OSE)
Measures actual performance against estimated labor costs, particularly useful for managing labor costs and optimizing production processes.
OSE = ProductsProducedAtOrBelowEstimatedCosts / TotalProductsProduced
Asset Utilization (AU)
Examines the efficiency of asset usage in production, equivalent to average return on assets.
AU = RevenueInGivenPeriod / ((AverageAssetValueAtBeginning + AverageAssetValueAtEnd)/2)
Manufacturing Profitability
Total Manufacturing Cost per Unit Excluding Materials (TMCEM)
Tracks efficiency by focusing on labor and overhead costs, excluding material expenses.
TMCEM = (TotalManufacturingCosts−CostOfMaterials) / TotalUnitsManufactured
Manufacturing Cost as a Percentage of Revenue (MCPR)
Compares total production costs to revenue, aiding in identifying potential cost-saving areas.
MCPR=TotalManufacturingCosts / OverallRevenue
Net Operating Profit (NOP)
Measures profitability after subtracting the cost of goods sold, operating expenses, interest, and taxes.
NOP = (Revenue−OperatingExpenses)−InterestAndTaxes
Productivity in Revenue per Employee (PRE)
Measures productivity using total revenue for a specific plant, business unit, or company-wide metric.
PRE = TotalRevenue / TotalEmployees
Average Unit Contribution Margin (AUCM)
Identifies poorly performing product lines by assessing profit contribution per unit.
AUCM = (TotalRevenues − TotalVariableCosts) / TotalVolumeOfProduction
Return on Net Assets (RONA)
Evaluates the percentage of net income generated by the company's assets, considering fixed assets and net working capital.
RONA = NetIncomeValueOfFixedAssets + NetWorkingCapital
Energy Cost per Unit (ECU)
Measures energy efficiency by calculating the energy cost for each manufactured unit.
ECU = SumOfAllEnergyCosts / NumberOfUnitsManufactured
Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time (C2CCT)
Determines the time taken to convert inventory investments into cash flow from product sales.
C2CCT = (DaysInventoryOutstanding + DaysSalesOutstanding) − DaysPayablesOutstanding
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)
A measure of operational profitability, an alternative to net earnings.
EBITDA = NetIncome + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization
Projected Customer Demand (PCD)
Uses historical data and market conditions to forecast future demand, aiding in supply chain optimization.
ReorderPoint = (DailyUnitsUsed × DaysLeadTime) + SafetyStockReorderPoint
Employee Turnover (ET)
Measures attrition rate to assess its impact on recruiting and training costs, emphasizing employee engagement.
ET=NumberOfSeparations / ((NumberOfEmployeesAtStart + NumberOfEmployeesAtEnd) / 2)
Manufacturing Compliance
Reported Health and Safety Incidents (RHSI)
Records the number of safety and hazard incidents reported to OSHA over a specified time frame.
RHSI = Number of Incidents Reported / Specified Time Frame
Health and Safety Incidence Rate (HSIR)
Measures the number of work-related injuries per 100 full-time workers in 12 months (TCIR).
HSIR = (NumberofRecordedInjuriesandIllnesses×200,000) / TotalEmployeeHoursWorked
Reportable Environmental Incidents (REI)
Records the number of environmental issues that your company must report to the EPA during a specified time frame.
REI = NumberofEnvironmentalIncidentsReportedtoEPA / TimeFrame
Number of Non-Compliance Events per Year (NCEY)
Tracks the instances when a manufacturing plant did not comply with guidelines, documenting the time, reason, and resolution.
NCEY = NumberofNon-ComplianceEventsDuring12months
Failed Audit Rate (FAR)
Measures how often operations comply with safety standards during regular safety audits.
FAR = NumberofFailedAudits / TotalNumberofConductedAudit
Manufacturing Maintenance
Maintenance Unit Cost (MUC)
Monitors the maintenance cost of equipment about the number of units produced, including all costs for maintenance and repairs.
MUC=TotalMaintenanceCosts / NumberofProductsProduced
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
Calculates the average time between equipment failures, providing insight into the reliability of production assets.
MTBF = OperatingTimeinHours / Number of Failures
Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)
Similar to MTBF, but considers non-repairable components that require replacement upon failure.
MTTF = OperatingTimeInHours / NumberofFailures
Percentage Maintenance Planned (PMP)
Compares planned maintenance hours with the total maintenance hours, indicating the percentage of planned maintenance.
PMP = NumberofPlannedMaintenanceHours / NumberofTotalMaintenanceHours -
Percentage Planned vs. Emergency Maintenance Work Orders (PPVEMWO)
Compares the percentage of planned maintenance hours to unplanned maintenance hours.
PPVEMWO=NumberofPlannedMaintenanceHours / NumberofUnplannedMaintenanceHours
Unscheduled Downtime (UD)
Measures the total time equipment is scheduled to perform but can't due to reliability or equipment issues.
UD = SumofAllUnscheduledDowntime / TimeFrame
Downtime in Proportion to Operating Time (DPTOT)
Expresses the ratio of the total time equipment is not running to the total time equipment is in operation.
DPTOT = TotalTimeEquipmentisDown/TotalTimeEquipmentisinOperation
Avoided Costs (AC)
Represents realized savings due to preventive maintenance activities, preventing costly repairs and unscheduled downtime.
AC = (AssumedRepairCost + ProductionLosses)−PreventiveMaintenanceCost
Machine Set-Up Time (MST)
Measures the time it takes to prepare equipment for its next production after completing a run.
MST = TimeRequiredtoPrepareMachineforNextRunMS
Customer Experience
On-Time Delivery to Commit (OTDTC)
Measures how often manufacturing meets commitments for product delivery, tracking the efficiency of production lines and success in meeting schedules.
OTDTC = NumberofProductsDeliveredOnTime / TotalNumberofProductsDelivered
Lead Time (LT)
Measures the total time it takes for customers to receive orders after they're placed.
LT = OrderProcessTime + ProductionLeadTime + DeliveryLeadTime
Customer Fill Rate (CFR)
Indicates how well the organization can meet consumer demand at any given time by tracking the fulfillment of customer demand through existing product inventory.
CFR = NumberofOrdersDelivered / NumberofOrdersPlaced
Customer Return Rate (CRR)
Monitors customer retention and loyalty by measuring the percentage of business that comes from repeat customers.
Customer Satisfaction (CS)
Measures customer satisfaction through surveys, particularly using a Likert scale, to understand how satisfied customers are with products and services.
CS = NumberofCustomersVeryorExtremelySatisfied / TotalNumberofSurveysFilled
Manufacturing Quality
Measures the overall volume of products manufactured compared to the input of raw materials. This does not account for process inefficiencies such as rework or scrap.
Yield = (ActualNumberofProductsManufactured / TheoreticalNumberofMaximumPossibleYieldBasedonRawMaterialsInput)
First Time Yield (FTY)
Measures the level of product quality and represents the number of non-defective products released without requiring wasteful rework. Used as a leading indicator of potential manufacturing issues.
FTY = NumberofNonDefectiveorGoodUnits / TotalNumberofProductsManufactured
Perfect Order Percentage (POP)
Tracks the volume of orders shipped without incidents (late delivery, damaged products, missing items) as a percentage of all orders. Evaluates alignment in order capture, management, manufacturing, and fulfillment processes.
POP = (PercentofOrdersDeliveredonTime)×(PercentofOrdersComplete) × (PercentofDamageFreeOrders) × (PercentofOrderswithAccurateDocumentation)
Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMA)
Measures how often customers are dissatisfied and request/ receive a refund for returned goods.
RMA = NumberofRMAs/NumberofOrdersDelivered
Customer Reject Rate (CRR)
Measures how many parts delivered to customers are defective, drilling down to look at how many specific parts are rejected.
CRR = NumberofRejectedParts / TotalNumberofPartsinAllProductsShipped
Supplier's Quality Incoming (SQI)
Examines the quality of raw materials received in the supply chain.
SQI = NumberofQualityRawMaterialsReceived / TotalNumberofIncomingMaterials
Scrap Rate
Measures the volume of discarded materials during manufacturing, representing cost savings by being more efficient with raw materials.
ScrapRate = AmountofScrapMaterialProducedDuringaManufacturingJob / TotalMaterialsIntakeorPutintotheProcess
Energy & Utilities Effectiveness
Consumption Forecast
Cost Forecast
Tariff to Cost Simulation
Overcurrent Protection
Consumption vs Equipment Effectiveness
Leaks Detection